The day care centers
The daycare centers are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Currently, there are nearly 400 children attending the creches. The average number of children per crèche is 50 children. If a child gets sick, the leaders make sure the mother is informed and they visit a doctor.
The school year is from June to May. The 6-year-olds then go to pimary education. Before the start of the new school year, the leaders visit the families they think have children who qualify for the daycare. Mothers also sign up children on their own accord. The level of poverty and living conditions are considered when deciding on placement of the children. The mothers pay, if possible, 10-20 rupees (Rp.) per month.
After school care
Disabled children are not usually placed in daycare. From the government there are provisions in the form of special child care and schools. Parents are also eligible for a financial allowance. The leaders encourage and support parents in this process.
Another activity that results from the daycare project is care after 3 p.m. for children whose mothers cannot pick up their children until later because of their work. The children can then stay in the crèche until 6:30 pm. The number of children using this varies.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.