2022, 4 new daycare centers



In 2022, life in India began to return to normal. The restrictions that were in place during the height of the corona period were gradually lifted. This meant that crèches could also reopen.bangalore foundation policy plan

At first, half the children were allowed to attend the crèche; after a month, all children could attend again. The monastery, Rotary Club Lakeside and the Azim Premji Foundation ensured regular distribution of food parcels to our families during the lockdown.

After the lifting of all restrictions, the monastery and the AzimPremji Foundation opened 4 new crèches. Rotary club Lakeside had already taken care of one crèche. In total, we now have 12 crèches with 24 leaders. A total of about 600 children are cared for each day.

Our aim is to house more and more of the crèches with Indian partners. We seem to be increasingly successful in this.